A device designed for balancing crushers, fans, mulchers, augers on combines, s

Started by Jamesjaf, Sep 02, 2024, 10:54 PM

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 Balanset-1A is a practical and compact device for balancing and vibration analysis of various rotors. If your equipment includes crushers, fans, mulchers, centrifuges, or other rotating mechanisms, you will find this device essential. 
 Vibrometry Mode: 
 Tachometer: Measures rotation speed with high precision. 
 Phase: Measures the rotor's phase angle for exact balancing. 
 1x Vibration: Shows the main frequency of vibration. 
 FFT Spectrum: Creates a detailed frequency spectrum graph. 
 Overall Vibration: Shows the total level of vibrations. 
 Measurement Log: Saves all data for further analysis. 
 Balancing Options: 
 Single-Plane Balancing: Performs rotor balancing in one plane. 
 Two-Plane Balancing: Corrects imbalance across two planes for more complex rotors. 
 Polar Diagram: Visualizes the exact location for balancing weights. 
 Session Recovery: Allows continuation from where you left off. 
 Tolerance Calculator: Calculates permissible imbalance per ISO 1940. 
 Grinding Wheel Balancing: Ensures accurate balancing of grinding wheels. 
 Overall Charts: Shows how the whole system behaves. 
 1x Graphs: Indicates main frequency vibrations. 
 Harmonic Graphs: Analyzes the impact of additional frequencies. 
 Spectral Graphs: Shows the complete spectrum of frequencies. 
 Supplementary Functions: 
 Archive: Stores data from previous sessions. 
 Reports: Creates comprehensive reports on balancing results. 
 Rebalancing: Makes it easy to repeat the balancing. 
 Serial Production: Designed for balancing in mass production. 
 Supplied With: 
 Measurement Block: The interface unit for all measurements. 
 Two Vibration Sensors: Precise measurement tools. 
 Laser Tachometer: Optical speed sensor with magnetic holder. 
 Digital Scales: Electronic weighing scales. 
 Software: Note: Laptop available as an additional order. 
 Transport Case: Protective case for transportation. 
 Why It's the Best Choice: 
 Balanset-1A is straightforward, affordable, and feature-rich, perfect for rapid and accurate balancing in manufacturing environments. 
 Price: 1949 $. 
 This device is truly user-friendly and suitable for both small workshops and large factories. 
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